
Showing posts from August, 2013

Are you really Agile?

From what i have seen, Agile Software Development is widely misinterpreted nowadays. Many people think to be agile, they just need a process like scrum to define a framework of sprints and iterations. They will sprint until they exhaust and change until they stagnate. But when you'd ask them what principles of objectoriented design are, they'd answer: "Aww yes, we use classes". And when you'd asked them if they did test driven development, they'd reply: "Ahh, this is the thing where you write tests first, isn't it?". Bottom line, people think to be agile without caring about good software design. But in the end, the most important thing is what nobody cares about. It is the agility of the software that they are producing. So if you want to be agile, a process and a mindset is not enough. You need to keep your software agile. By that i mean, you need to keep the design of the software as clean and flexible as possible, to be able to apply any futu...

How to Make a Bunting Banner in PowerPoint!

I just knew that this option would be popular on the poll!  And it was perfect timing since I was planning on making a bunting banner this week for my classroom!  More than half of you voted for this in the polls! Now, onto the tutorial! I am printing that bunting banner first thing tomorrow morning!  I love how it looks!!! You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture! Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer! For next week's poll,  I'll add how to use/open QR codes.  I figured this would be a good prerequisite for how to make your own QR codes!

How to Create a Customized Google Search!

This is a super fun tip... I could have used it back when I did my student teaching in 2nd grade!  It would have been perfect to go along with my lesson plans for the students animal research projects!  Anyhow... this week I'll be writing about how to make google search only specific websites!   If you want to know how to add that code to your blog, you can check out my previous tutorial here: You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture! Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer! For next week's tutorial, I'll be adding how to make your own bunting banner!

Mega Giveaway! (Today only!!!)

Okay, I admit it... I have been slightly neglecting my blog, but not because I haven't been doing work!  I've been working hard to prep for the new school year and for the Phonics, Vocabulary, and Comprehension PD that Katie (over at Kdot's Learning Spot ) and I have been working on! Well of course, this big TPT sale coming up tomorrow has inspired me to post a few of the things I've been working on!  And of course, to repay all of you for continuing to follow me even though I'm posting less frequently... I think I'll give away ALL OF MY NEW ITEMS today! :) And of course, if you don't win, all of these products will be on super sale tomorrow and Monday! (Props to Krista  from  The Creative Chalkboard  for the amazing sign!!) Now... let's see what you can win! I'm going to start with the project that took me the most time.  I made videos that are about 5 minutes long each for each letter of the alphabet!  And even though the video itself is only about...

How to Print Anything at a Smaller Size!

I absolutely love this little trick!  I'm not even joking when I say I use it at least three times a week!  Every time I make/buy a new center game, I use this trick to print the cover page smaller so that it will fit in a quart size ziploc bag.  And... I use it to make visuals slightly smaller so that they fit better on my walls!  It is definitely one of my favorite tricks! So... time to show you how to print anything at a smaller size! Before I go into the poll and the tutorial, do you see the ADORABLE product in my preview?  Well... it's fabulous and it's free from The Primary Gal !  She's relatively new to blogging and TPT so head over there and give her some love! Now, for the poll!  This was clearly the winner but the other options were definitely contenders! And of course, here's the tutorial!  Step 1 mentions that it's easiest to do this with a PDF, so if you're not sure how to make a PDF, be sure to check out my previous tutorial below! T...

spring-data-rest in Action

What is spring-data-rest? spring-data-rest , a recent addition to the spring-data project, is a framework that helps you expose your entities directly as RESTful webservice endpoints. Unlike rails, grails or roo it does not generate any code achieving this goal. spring data-rest supports JPA, MongoDB, JSR-303 validation, HAL and many more. It is really innovative and lets you setup your RESTful webservice within minutes. In this example i'll give you a short overview of what spring-data-rest is capable of. Initial Configuration  I'm gonna use the new Servlet 3 Java Web Configuration instead of an ancient web.xml. Nothing really special here. public class WebAppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer { @Override protected Class <?>[] getRootConfigClasses () { return new Class <?>[]{ AppConfiguration . class }; } @Override protected Class <?>[] getServletConfigClasses () { return ...

Logging SOAP Requests in WEF

Some of my projects make extensive use of the web service call builder and I often need to look at the outgoing SOAP requests when a problem crops up. This is easy by turning on logging in the advanced section of the builder, but doing this on every instance of the builder is tedious. JAX-WS SOAP Handler I stumbled on this article where Rob Flynn describes a technique to handle SOAP requests from a central point using the bowstreet.serviceCall.jaxwsHandler override. I used this approach to add some log4j logging statements, this way I don't have to go into each builder and tweak the input and redeploy, I can just change the . Unbelievably, a google search shows that there are no other references to this override - not even in IBM's documentation. I have to wonder how many other awesome WEF features lay undocumented (ask me about ). public class SoapHandler extends BaseJaxWsHandler { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SoapHan...

How to Make Any Picture "Talk!"

Hey everyone!  I've been back from my Alaskan vacation for two days already... yet I'm still having a hard time coming out of "vacation" mode to write this post!  Thank goodness an easy option came up as the winner as the poll: how to make any picture talk! Here is the poll... with this choice winning a whopping 56% of votes! In order to do this tutorial, you'll need to visit the following website.  It'll probably take you more time to read the tutorial then to actually make one! You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture! Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!   Before I let you know what next week's tutorial will be, I have to throw in some of my favorite pictures from Alaska!!!   This was a picture from while we were cruising.  It's really hard to see... but there are snow covered mountains in the back! In Ketchikan, we ...

Good Bye Redeployment. spring-loaded, an Opensource Classreloader

Redeem yourself from hot deployments and OutOfMemoryException. spring-loaded is an opensource classreloader and a promising alternative to JRebel . It does not offer as many features as JRebel does, and it does not support any framework just yet. Nevertheless, its a great tool that can save the time you are waiting for that servletcontainer to restart again. What it can do: add/modify/delete methods/fields/constructors modify annotations on types/methods/fields/constructors add/remove/change values in enum types What it cant: support framework specific changes like Spring MVC @RequestMappings change log configuration on the fly It is not getting the attention that it deserves, so give it a try. Just download from github already, and add the following to your JVM parameters: java -javaagent:<pathTo>/springloaded-{VERSION}.jar -noverify