How to Make a Bunting Banner in PowerPoint!
I just knew that this option would be popular on the poll! And it was perfect timing since I was planning on making a bunting banner this week for my classroom!
More than half of you voted for this in the polls!
Now, onto the tutorial!
I am printing that bunting banner first thing tomorrow morning! I love how it looks!!!
For next week's poll, I'll add how to use/open QR codes. I figured this would be a good prerequisite for how to make your own QR codes!
More than half of you voted for this in the polls!
Now, onto the tutorial!
I am printing that bunting banner first thing tomorrow morning! I love how it looks!!!
You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive. To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!
For next week's poll, I'll add how to use/open QR codes. I figured this would be a good prerequisite for how to make your own QR codes!
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