Logging SOAP Requests in WEF

Some of my projects make extensive use of the web service call builder and I often need to look at the outgoing SOAP requests when a problem crops up. This is easy by turning on logging in the advanced section of the builder, but doing this on every instance of the builder is tedious.

I stumbled on this article where Rob Flynn describes a technique to handle SOAP requests from a central point using the bowstreet.serviceCall.jaxwsHandler override. I used this approach to add some log4j logging statements, this way I don't have to go into each builder and tweak the input and redeploy, I can just change the log4j.properties. Unbelievably, a google search shows that there are no other references to this override - not even in IBM's documentation. I have to wonder how many other awesome WEF features lay undocumented (ask me about pageprocessors.properties).

public class SoapHandler extends BaseJaxWsHandler {

static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SoapHandler.class);

* Populate the user's identity into the SOAP request.
* @see com.canon.ws.BaseJaxWsHandler#handleOutboundMessage(javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPMessageContext)
public boolean handleOutboundMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {
// bail if logging not enabled
if (!logger.isInfoEnabled())

try {
HashMap hm = (HashMap) context.get(com.ibm.websphere.webservices.Constants.REQUEST_TRANSPORT_PROPERTIES);
Set keys = hm.keySet();

logger.info(">> Start SOAP message log");
logger.info("calling Model=" + getWebappAccess().getModelName());

for (Object key : keys){
logger.info("HTTP header -> " + key + "=" + hm.get(key));

logger.info(">> End SOAP message log\n");
} catch (SOAPException e) {
// we're just logging, not sure we care that an exception is thrown


The parent class BaseJaxWsHandler can be found on Rob's entry mentioned above.


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