How to Organize Your Files for the Week!

If you liked last week's post about organizing your life with technology, you'll love this week's post as well!  The winner of this week's poll is how to organize your files for the week, using technology of course!

Here's the poll:

Before I go into organizing your files for the week, I'm going to talk briefly about organizing your files digitally.  I know it's a wordy tutorial but I promise I have lots of good tips included!!!

Now for the tutorial... you definitely need to download Dropbox if you don't already use it! If you already use it, keep reading anyway because I have some little trick you still might enjoy!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!

The next Technology Tuesday post won't be until August 6... because I'll be vacationing with my hubby in Alaska celebrating our TEN YEAR anniversary (technically two years married, but 10 years since we started dating). How crazy is that? 

Now, as for the poll... I'll be adding how to give any picture a moving/talking mouth!


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