Raising Butterflies (with a HUGE surprise!!!)

We just finished up our fun and exciting butterfly life cycle unit... we bought the caterpillar kit and watched them turn into butterflies.  The kids loved it!

It was a really fun unit... we released our butterflies into the while and I thought we were done... \


I looked in the butterfly container and saw hundreds of blue things.  "Blue what?" you ask!?  Blue EGGS!!!  I asked a bunch of people who have done this before (because of course this was my first time raising butterflies) and no one had that happen before. 

Well... lo and behold, I get to school one morning last week and there are HUNDREDS of tiny caterpillar larva EVERYWHERE!

You see those tiny black 2 millimeter big specs?  Well... they move. They are actually tiny little baby caterpillars!

You wouldn't know it... but they are FAST.  Within a few hours, they were ALL OVER my desk.  I kid you not.  See those little buggers!?

Today my para and I spent an hour collecting these little larva and putting them in containers so they wouldn't climb all over my desk anymore!  It felt like it lasted for an eternity!

We saved at least 100 of them...

Now.. it's time to spend another 2-3 weeks caring for these little babies... check out this video.  How cute are their little legs!?!?

Go figure this is my luck the very first time I raise butterflies!  Has any one else had this happen to them!?


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