Watersong Blookclub!

With Tidal's release only six weeks away, I thought a fun thing to do would be to do a kind of interactive book club for the Watersong series. People who have already read the series can have a bit of a refresher for the newest book comes out, and for new readers, it's a great way to get involved with the series. Plus, I just thought it would be fun.

I talked it over with people about how they thought it would be best to do a bookclub, and they suggested Wattpad. It has a great community of readers and writers over there, plus it offers an excellent way to post excerpts. You can go check out my profile there now: http://wattpad.com/AmandaHocking The first 8 chapters of Wake are up there, along with the first 16 chapters of Lullaby, and the entirety of the short story Forgotten Lyrics.

As the weeks go on, I'll be posting fun facts, behind the scenes stuff, bonus content, and sneak peeks of Tidal, as well as answering questions and talking with readers. So if you're a fan of the Watersong series, please check out the book club and comment.

All this week, I'll be focusing on the first part Wake and commenting on the excerpts that are already up. I'll be adding different things each day, so be sure to stop by every day. And since I have ridiculous sleeping habits, I'll be responding throughout the day and night, as I stop in to check things out.

Also, Wake and Lullaby are now out in paperback (they were only in hardcover and ebook before), and Lullaby also includes the short story Forgotten Lyrics, which is the only way you can get it in print. (It's currently up at Wattpad if you want to check it out and you've already gotten Lullaby).

So let me know what you think of all this, and I hope you join in. 


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