Owls and More

My mom (sometimes referred to as Mama Lewie by myself and my friends) is into making things. She makes minatures and dolls and doll clothes and kids clothes. Recently she made me this owl pillow:

Roswell Owlenton the Third and my cat Sophie
 And she liked it so much, she decided to make more. She's started a store on Etsy, and she's selling some owls, and she's currently working on making more things, like potholders and tablet covers. She has many patterns and many ideas, and loads of fabric. My aunt is also making things, and she will be selling them there as well. (I think my aunt so far is mainly making clothes sized for American Girl Dolls but I'm not 100% sure).

So if you like awesome things, like Roswell Owlenton the Third, then you should totes check out my mom's store at Etsy and buy things. Click here to check out here store: MommaLewieCrafts.

This is an owl pillow currently for sale at my mom's Etsy store.


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