If you used one of the past two tips to double space or 1.5 space your text and you want to make your document single spaced again, this tip is perfect for you! Again, this tip is meant for Microsoft Word.
I feel like it's been forever since I blogged... the beginning of the school year has been beyond crazy! Well, I'm back to share with you a quick and easy tutorial: how to open up a QR code! QR codes are all the rage today so I hope this help you feel more comfortable with starting to use them! Here is the poll! Now for the tutorial... You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture! Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive. To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer! Of course, this intro QR code tutorial of course means that I'll be adding another QR code tutorial to the poll: how to make pretty QR codes (if you're going to take the time to do it, you might as well make it look good!)
Or more accurately, Brian Henson did. But more on that in a second... I read an article today about the BP oil spill, and some analysts think the oil spill won't end until Christmas. Meaning 4 million barrels oil would be dumped in the Gulf. And (I'm quoting) "That much oil would wipe out all life in the Gulf and completely change the ecosystem." (read the full story here ) Let me repeat that: That much oil would wipe out all life in the Gulf. In less than a year, those greedy bastards and their lack of foresight will probably lead to the destruction of an entire ecosystem. Fish, crabs, eels, dolphins, sea turtles, and all the plant life. Here's a list of how and what animals are effected by this: here . This doesn't even mention the economic damage it will do to tourism and the jobs of people who thrived on fishing and dependency on the Gulf life. One more time: That much oil would wipe out all life in the Gulf. Let's put aside how devastating it is to ...
Today, I went to our county fair. They had a game where you could win live turtles, live iguanas, and live hermit crabs. I still find this concept weird that you can win animals that require specialized cages and lighting. It would make more sense to win a puppy or kitten, since most homes are already equipped for them. In reality, I don't agree with the practice of the animals as prizes. But that's another story for another day. The long and the short of it is - I'm a sucker for animals of any kind, and I always think I should adopt everything so I can be certain it's taken care of. The fact that I walked away with only one turtle and not a whole slew of reptiles shows an extreme level of self restraint on my part. Anyway - I digress. Meet Jasper - the newest edition to my family: The picture's a bit blurry, but rest assured, Jasper's face is perfectly clear in real life. That's Jasper running away from a Dixie cup. He's insanely fast. I'm star...
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