How to Copy HTML/Embed Code to Your Blog!

This week was a three way tie on the poll... I was beyond shocked!!!  I was especially surprised since this is the first time there was a tie!  Since there was a tie, I blogged about the item that had been on the poll the longest, which was how to add html/embed code to your blog post!

Here's the poll:

It'll be interesting to see which wins the poll next week.  In the meantime, here is a short and sweet tutorial that shows how to copy that embed code to your blog post!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!
As for next week's poll, I'll be adding something that a lot of you have been asking for... how to add a texture/pattern to text!  Be sure to vote!


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