What Did They Say? Wednesday! (Linky Party!)

Reason #5,765,432,765 why I love teaching: kids say the funniest and cutest things!  I thought it would be so much fun to read all of the things that kids all over the world are saying... so I decided to start a weekly linky party "What Did They Say? Wednesday!"

What Did They Say!?
<div align="center"><a href="http://aturntolearn.blogspot.com/2012/12/what-did-they-say-wednesday-linky-party.html" title="What Did They Say!?"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OIhmtxluCS0/ULwEfazkl1I/AAAAAAAADpM/MMMzxm23B0Y/s320/What+Did+They+Say+Wednesday.png" alt="What Did They Say!?" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Here is my "What Did They Say?" story for this week:

In my class this week, one of my little Kindergarten students says in his most serious voice, "Ms. Jessica, there's a problem with one the books I'm taking home today."  I'm fully expecting for one of the books to have a tear in it, yet he pulls a brand new book out of his bag... a book about bats.

I couldn't find a picture of the real book online, but the cover had a picture of a bat on it, like this:

He then says to me, while pointing to the words, "The words of my book go this way,"  Then, he flips the book upside down and says, "But the bat goes this way.  The picture is upside down!"  He was pretty convinced that he found a publishing error!  I obviously explained to him that bats like to hang upside down... but it was hard to convince him that the book was printed correctly!

Now... it's time to share your cute kids story from this week!

Rules for the Linky Party:
  1. Share a story that one of your kids said on your blog!  If you don't have a blog, leave a comment with your story!
  2. Use the HTML code at the top of this post to link back to the post!
  3. Comment on the two blog posts before yours!

This linky party will be posted through 11:59pm on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, a new linky will be started.  I decided to host this as a weekly collection so that we can share numerous stories from our students!


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