How to Put a Watermark on Your Photo

Thank you everyone for voting on the technology poll!  This week, the winner was How to Put a Watermark on a Photo!!!

Again, more than half of you voted for this in the poll!

I included two versions of this tutorial.  In light blue, you'll find directions on how to do everything right in GimpShop.  Honestly, this is what I tend to do, as I'm pretty comfortable using the program.  For those of you who feel overwhelmed by the Gimp interface, I included alternate directions (in a medium blue) which include a brief portion in Gimp, and the remainder of the tutorial in Gimp.  They both have the same effect, so it's totally up to you! 

Before I start the tutorial this focuses on how to use an image as a watermark.  If you want to add text on your picture, click the picture below to check out my previous tutorial:

Now... onto the tutorial!

Now, for the tutorial that incorporates PowerPoint!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!

If you want to grab the cootie catchers from the picture, click the picture below!

As far as next week's poll is concerned, I just came across a MAJOR find in PowerPoint...  Do you remember my previous post on giving a picture a transparent background?  Well... I just stumbled across a way to do this right in PowerPoint!!!  So obviously that will be on next week's poll!


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