Fight Against Fidgeting!

The number one way I have found to stop kids from fidgeting in class is to let them get all of their energy out another way! I make it a point sporadically throughout the day to do exercise songs in class!  It makes a MAJOR difference it getting kids to sit still the rest of the time!

I have a lot of exercise activities that I do with them that are academic in nature, but sometimes we just need a brain break!  I found a ton of songs on YouTube that are just perfect for this!

I used my little YouTube trick below to save these videos into a folder on my computer so I can pull them up easily on the Smart Board. 

Before you say it... I will: "When am I supposed to have time to do this in class!?  My day is already full!" Most of these songs are 2-3 minutes long... and I know that when my kids fidget I sometimes spend more than 2-3 minutes to get them back on task... so you're not taking extra time to do this, you're just re-purposing your time!

Anyway... here are my favorite videos for brain breaks!  I embedded the videos here, but the titles of the song will also link you to the video on YouTube if you want to save it from there.

This one is my absolute favorite!!!

Can you tell that I just love Patty Shukla's songs?!

This one is another one of my favorites!


That's 24 different songs to help your kids get their fidgeting out in a way that doesn't distract the rest of the class... in fact, it's actually in a way that benefits the entire class since they'll all be able to focus better after getting their blood to flow around better!

How do you get your kiddos to stop fidgeting?


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