Unicorns, Gene Wilder, & my good friend Jeffrey

You guys know my good friend Jeffrey, right?  His author-y name is J. L. Bryan, and he wrote these amazing books about Jenny Pox and some other awesome books about fairies (Songs of Magic). Currently, he's having this event called Midsummer Dream Fair (although, it's really more of an Early-Summer Dream Fair, since the first day of summer was like 2 days ago. But "Early-Summer" has less of a Shakespearean/Puck connection). You can check out at the crazy stuff going on at the fair: here.

Anyway, he's had tons of fun posts and giveaways and more things than you can shake a stick at (because your arm would get tired from shaking at so many things). Today he has a guest post from me, and it's a very fun interview, wherein I answer questions that nobody has asked me before (for true). Read: here.

But I haven't even told you about the best part! Jeffrey is giving away unicorns! UNICORNS! Like super awesome amazing ones! Honest. So go on over, read some stuff, and win yourself a unicorn. (And my book Virtue, which may also have unicorns in it).

Meanwhile, check out this awesome freaky trailer for his book Jenny Pox (which is currently free). And then, when you're doing doing that, go check out Fairy Metal Thunder (also totally free). (Here's a link to win the WHOLE set of FOUR Songs of Magic books: here.)


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