Things I Couldn't Live Without!
What an amazing idea for a Linky Party! There are so many things I couldn't live without in my classroom, but I'll stick with the basics!

There are definitely way more things I couldn't live without in my classroom... like my SmartBoard and computers, but I figured I'd keep it to the simple things that make life easier!
Binder Rings
These are the best things ever! I use them to keep tons of things in order... alphabet cards, sight words (in this fun and easy game), math story problems for my problem of the day... I use these for just about everything! They really help keep things organized!
Magnetic Tape
Best invention ever! I used to have my word wall on a blackboard, so I put magnetic tape on the back of all of the words so I could hang them up easily. My word wall isn't on a blackboard anymore, but I use magnetic tape to hang things on my easel and my teacher closet. It's so helpful not to need to search for magnets mid-lesson!
Magnetic Printer Paper
It's kind of expensive ($2 a sheet), so I use it sparingly, but it's still amazing!
Speaking of printer paper, I couldn't live without my cardstock! Walmart always has the best prices on cardstock and a pretty good selection of colors, but it's not available online.
Clothespins are another simple, but effective classroom tool. I use them for my behavior clip chart, my job chart, my math notebook helper, camera help, and a few fun games in the classroom. I have clothespins everywhere! They're really the best!
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