How to Blur Out Faces/Names in a Picture

It's so amazing to see what interests everyone in the poll!  I posted this option for the first time ever and it won by a landslide!  I'm excited to see what everyone votes for next week!  And yes, in regards to the preview photo, my recent room redecoration has left me with Cat in the Hat on the brain!


First things first, download Gimpshop so you can practice along with the following directions!  Gimpshop is the same program we used to give a picture a transparent background the other week, so you may have already downloaded it.  If not, go get it now!  It's like photoshop, but free!  And... it works on Macs and PCs!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!
Enjoy all of the blurring!  If you do this and post the pictures to your blog leave me a comment with the link!  I'd love to see your work in action!


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