Only One More Sleep... PLUS a Vlog

I seriously wrote this entire blog on Saturday and set it up to post this morning, but it just disappeared. I'm very frustrated by this. But oh well, there's not much I can do now.

I'm now writing this new blog from my hotel in New York City, where I will be doing some promo stuff for the release of Switched tomorrow, January 3rd. I'm doing a book signing tomorrow at the Barnes & Noble in Princeton, NJ at 7:00 pm, and if you're in the area, you should totally check it out. I'll also be in the USA Today tomorrow, so you should also check that out.

I'm really, really excited and also mind-numbling terrified for Switched to hit bookshelves tomorrow. I can't wait to hear what people think of the new short story, "The Vittra Attacks," because nobody's read that yet.

Also, if you are picking yourself up a copy of Switched tomorrow, you should totally take a picture of yourself with it in the store. (As long as it doesn't break any laws or store policies). Share it with me via Twitter, Facebook, or email - hockingbooks@hotmailcom, and I'll post some of my favorites later on this week.

Now with all that rambling out the way, why don't I go ahead and post the vlog I made? It's actually a "tutorial" on how to pronounce some of the words in the Trylle books, since I get questions about them a lot.

So.. here it is:

And don't forget! Tomorrow is the big day! I sincerely hope that you, your friends, and every person you've ever had any form of contact with picks up a copy. And if you do, I really hope you enjoy it. I'm really grateful for all the support I've gotten so far :)


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