Hollowmen is For Sale!

Yay! Hollowmen is now for sale for both the Kindle and the Nook! It's not yet out in paperback, but I'm hoping to have that in a few weeks.

It's already ranked at #93 in the Kindle store and #50 in the Nook store. And it has three 5-star reviews on Amazon. So, that's a good sign.

If you want to get it for the Kindle, you can get it: here. If you want to get it for the Nook, you can get it: here.

Sorry the blog is so brief. A camera crew is coming over today to film a little web piece for the interwebs. I'm not sure exactly where it's going up at, but as soon as I know the details, I'll be sure to post them.

Thanks to everybody for all the support and words of encouragement in the last blog, and I really hope you enjoy Hollowmen


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