Quick Reminder

Just a quick reminder, folks: I'm unpublishing Torn and Ascend tonight at midnight (Central time), and they go down almost immediately. So this is your last chance to buy them until February and April 2012, respectively.

If you miss them today, it's not that big of a deal, because they will be out in a few months, which a much shorter amount of time then George R. R. Martin fans have to wait for the next book to come out. So comparitively, it's not big thing.

Plus, the new editions of the Trylle Trilogy coming out with St. Martin's in early 2012 have a little something extra with them that I think fans of the series will dig. I'll explain more about that next week.

Sometime next week, there should be a big cover reveal for all three books. It was going to be Monday, but we're doing some last minute cover changes, so it might be at the end of next week or possibly the week after. I will let you know as soon as I get the exact date. But trust me, the covers are worth the wait. 

For those of you wondering why I've unpublished the Trylle Trilogy, please read these blogs, which explain it all:

And Yet Another Announcement (from May 5, 2011)
Good News, Everyone (from July 26, 2011)
A Bit More on My Decision... (from July 28, 2011)

In conclusion: I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused any of you, and I appreciate those of you that bear with me through this transition.

But the fact is: I'm really excited. Not just about what this all means for the books, but what's going on for you, the readers. I literally cannot wait for you guys to see what we have up our sleeves. I'm going to start revealing a bit more next week, but until you guys get the books in your hands next year, I'm going to be sitting on pins and needles.

And I'm leaving you with this awesome song that I'm sorta of obsessed with right now:

EDIT: Based on my previous experience with unpublishing Switched last week, Torn and Ascend will NOT disappear from your Kindle or nook if you've already purchased them. (One reader did recommend backing them on your hard drive, just be on the safe side, because apparently, Amazon can and does very rarely remove books from you device wirelessly, but it cannot remove them from you hard drive.)

The books are however unavailable for lending. I was unaware that this would happen before unpublishing Switched. When questioned about it, Amazon basically stated that they couldn't do anything about it and it was up to the publisher. Since I am the publisher, and I'm fine with them them being lended, I'm not exactly sure who it is up to then. I apologize for that.


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