
It's been a long time since I've last blogged, but for good reason. My life has been incredibly busy the past week and a half, but good busy.

I turned 27 last Tuesday, so now I'm officially the same age as Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Brian Jones were when they died. But I'll live, because I'm not a musician, and I don't mix sleeping pills with wine or heroin.

Because of my birthday, I had friends staying with me for a few days, and that was loads of fun. Plus I got to have a party where I saw people, which is neat, because I like people. At least the one I'm friends with, anyway.

And check out my super rad birthday cake:

My friends from out of town left this week, and on Wednesday, Eric and I headed out to the fine city of San Diego, where we are now.

And let me tell you, the city is beautiful. The weather is divine. When we left Minnesota, it was 98 degrees with like 90% humidity. Here it's a cool 72 and breezy. Plus, there's an ocean.

The view of the ocean from my hotel room.
Admittedly, I haven't seen that much of this lovely city, and I probably won't. I'm here for Comic-con. So far, it's been fun, with a whole lot of lines. Lots and lots of lines. Also, two Deloreans, and tons of Batman stuff.

If you are also at Comic-con and want to say hey, feel free. I will be wandering around the next few days. I'm also going to be on a panel on Sunday called "What's Hot in Young Adult Fiction." The other more famous, more talented authors on the panel are:

Kiersten White, author of Paranormalcy and the upcoming Supernaturally
Andrea Cremer, author of Nightshade and the upcoming Wolfsbane
Stephanie Perkins, author of Anna and the French Kiss and the upcoming Lola and the Boy Next Door
Laini Taylor, author of Lips Touch: Three Times and the upcoming Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Tahereh Mafi, author of the upcoming Shatter Me

It will be moderated by Nathan Bransford, former literary agent/current author of Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Kapow.

The panel starts at 10:00 am on Sunday and is in ballroom 23 ABC.

There's an autograph session afterwards that everyone else is doing, but not me. Here's why I'm not doing it: Because 99.98% of my readers buy my books electronically, my books aren't currently sold in bookstores, and I don't have headshots. So there's nothing for me to sign.

But if you want to me to sign something, I definitely will. I just didn't want to sit there acting like a fool without anything to sign.

Anyway... the moral of this blog is: Sorry I've been MIA lately, and I hope to see y'all at Comic-Con. :)


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