Misinformation & Corrections

The internet is filled with misinformation. Some of that is about me.

So, I'm going to set the record straight by saying a bunch of things about me and my books that are true, so if you read things other places, you can be all, "Nah, that's not true. Here. Check out Amanda's blog."
  • I'm twenty-six years-old, not twenty-seven, twenty-five, or any other age. 
  • I live in Austin, Minnesota, not Minneapolis. I like Minneapolis a lot. I just don't live there. 
  • I have published eight books and one novella, so there are nine works that you can purchase from  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Smashwords. 
  • I've written 19 books. 
  • All of my published full-length novels are available in both ebook and paperback. 
  • Three of my full length novels are priced at $.99 in ebook, and my novella is priced at $.99. The other five books are priced at $2.99. All my paperbacks are priced at $8.99 and $9.99. 
  • I was never traditionally published. I still have not been traditionally published. 
  • A few books have foreign deals in place, but the books have not been published yet.
  • I have an agent - Steve Axelrod - and I've had him since August.  
  • I first published two books in April 15, 2010. Since then, I've sold over 900,000 copies of over nine different books. 
  • I have been on the USA Today Bestseller list but not the NY Times List. (I suspect the Times hates me).
  • I'll be in the April issue of Elle magazine. If my understanding of the magazine industry is correct, that issue should be out sometime in March.
  • The syndicated television program Better TV is interviewing me at the end of March. I have no clue when that will air, and I'm not sure what channel will it air on, because it depends on where you live.
  • My trilogy has been optioned for a film. 
  • I really like sushi. 
  • Michael Wincott is phenomenal.

I'm currenly watching The Social Network for the first time after a long time of avoiding it. Eric is obsessed with it, but my feelings on Jesse Eisenberg are quite complicated. I enjoy neurosis very much, though. The score is enjoyable, although I still believe that Hans Zimmer should've won for Inception

I like to obsess over things that don't matter because it's more fun obsessing over things that do.

The Social Network sorta feels like a music video inter-spliced with rapid fire snark and legalese. I understand why Eric enjoys it.

I'm not sure if I approve of this fella from The Social Network as Spiderman. I'm not sure I don't approve either. I enjoy him. But I don't know if he screams Peter Parker to me. But then again, Peter Parker isn't the kind of guy to scream thing anything, is he? He's Peter Parker.

I digress. If I ever had a point, I've probably made it by now.


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