Fabio... and Some More Promo Stuff, and I Mention New Books, Too

I love Fabio. Not the shirtless blond guy on romance novels. I mean Top Chef's Italian Stallion Fabio Viviani.

Here's how super bizarre my life is: I made the USA Today Bestelling ebook list, and I was thinking that I should write a blog about that, and link to some articles and the TV interview, and talk about ... well, me. But I'd much rather talk about Top Chef.

This season is Top Chef All-Stars, meaning they picked people who'd been on previous seasons but didn't win. And it is crazy awesome. It's all my favorites, and some people who really deserved a second chance at winning, namely Richard Blais, Dale T (who I still think should NOT have been eliminated when he was the first time around), and Angelo.

But, even though I don't think Fabio is necessarily the best chef on the show, he was my favorite. Because he's very funny, charming, and nice. And the accent is kind of adorable. I didn't think so at first, but I love him now. (Somebody else I didn't think I'd like at first is Mike Isabella, but you watch the show for awhile, and you see that's he actually very funny and sweet.)

SPOILER ALERT Fabio got voted off of Top Chef tonight. He really is great for TV, though, so I don't think this is the last we'll be seeing of him. (Hint hint: Food Network and OWN). Meanwhile, he has an ebook out now on Amazon, which you can check out: here. I think it's self-published, which only makes me love him more. But he is still a good cook. Ask Richard Blais. Blais would never lie.

Check out Fabio's adorable "thank you" video he made tonight. He's like the sweetest thing ever.

So that's what happened on the TV tonight that I saw. I also forgot to tape Mr. Sunshine, starring Matthew Perry and it bummed me out. Interesting aside - Matthew Perry was featured in the life section of USA Today Wednesday, along with yours truly. To read that article (the one about me, not Perry), click: here. To read the one about Matthew Perry, click: here.

Also, in further fun news, six of my books made it to USA Today's top 150 ebooks that's in Thursday's issue of the periodical. You can see the full list: here.  So I can officially list Best-selling Author in my title. A big shout out to USA Today for being so awesome with the interview and actually including me in the ebook list, even though I'm self-published. The consideration is very much appreciated, not just by myself, but the indie community as a whole.

I also  have an itsy-bitsy tiny mention in an article in Entertainment Weekly, so if you want to read a little granule about me, click: here. (While you're there, also check out the article about ladies in literary. It makes me sad that only 3 of my top 10 favorite authors are ladies).

And for those of you that like looking at me, here is the KTTC interview that aired last week with the great Tom Overlie. Tom is fab. For reals.

I will also being doing a follow up interview with the Post Bulletin today (Thursday). They did my first ever interview back in May of 2010, but stuff's changed since then, so they're interviewing me again. I have no clue when that one will publish, though.

Also - and I kid you not - I just discovered a thread discussing my books at pregnancy.org. I think that the right is the proof that I've finally made it.

In case you're wondering what I'm up to other than talking incessantly about myself to the press, I am writing a couple books. I'm trying to juggle two projects at once, and it's a bit harder than I thought.

The first one I'm cowriting with David Daliglish (but he might use a pen name when we publish), and I've never really written a book with another author before, but this is fun. Different, but fun. It's called Ethereal, and it's a paranormal romance. That's about all I want to say about it for now.

The other thing I'm working is something I've been dying to work on for almost a year now. So when I say I write a book in a few weeks, that doesn't mean I come with up an idea and then bang it out the next day. This idea has been percolating for months, and I've finally got it all just right. I'm not sure exactly when you guys will see it, but I can tell you right now that it's going to be fun. It's YA paranormal romance, and the title right now is Wake, but I'm not sure if it will change.

I tweeted this youtube video below a few days ago. If you haven't seen it, it's worth a look. It's a fan made video of their dream cast, and I think it's pretty accurate (although, I'm still holding out for Michael Wincott as Oren, even if I do love Gary Oldman). Plus it has Interpol in it. Me and my roommate Eric were watching it last weekend, and he goes, "Oh wow. This is neat. You have the neatest fans." And I was like, "I know." You guys truly are awesome. Thanks for letting me do what I do!

Oh, and P. S. Contrary to what some things on the internet have been saying, me self-publishing and doing well is not a middle finger to traditional publishers. I'd like to think me doing well isn't a middle finger to anybody or anything. It's feels more like a high five to me.


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