ONE DAY LEFT Plus... Fun Stuff

There's only one day left until Switched hits bookshelves, and I'm filled with a mixture of unparalleled excitement and absolute terror. I hope all of you have that pick up a copy enjoy the book, and I can't wait to hear what people think of the brand new short story - "The Vittra Attacks." Nobody's read that yet, and I'm excited to get feedback.

Also, if you do pick up Switched in stores, don't forget to take a picture of yourself with the book in the store and send it to me (via Twitter, Facebook, or email - I'll be posting my favorites this week. Just make sure that if you do take pictures, you don't do anything to get yourself in trouble. I'm not encouraging lawbreaking or rule-breaking of any kind. Only fun.

 made a video the other day where I pronounced all the words in the Trylle Trilogy that I get questions about. The most obvious one is, "How do you say Trylle?" I've got that one in there, along with a few others, and I hope it helps those of you with questions :) (P.S. I'm wearing my new glasses).

So I hope you and all your friends and every person you've ever made any form of contact with picks up Switched this week. And to everyone who does, and everyone who has already pre-ordered, thank you guys so much! I'm so grateful for all the support I've gotten so far, and really, all of this is an amazing, surreal experience.


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