I'm back!

I'm no longer on vacation! I had a ton of fun in New Mexico, and I miss my friends already. (And I missed an episode of Jersey Shore :( ). Sorry this blog is short. I just have a couple things I wanted to say real quick.

I updated the FAQs section of my blog, so you can check that out if you want.

If you ordered a signed book from me, but haven't received it yet, email me: hocking_amanda@hotmail.com. I'm at war with the postal service.

Oh, and how excited are you about Anne Hathaway playing Catwoman in the new Batman? I'm like a 20 on a scale from 1-10. 

Here are some fun pics from New Mexico (all courtesy of my friend Valerie):

Mountains in Albuquerque (I think the Sandeas?)

The sun setting over Albuquerque

My friend Greggor admire the sunset from the top of mountains

Mountain view from my friend Val & Greggor's apartment


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