Wisdom Watch 2010

News that's almost good: Wisdom live on Amazon! But you can't buy it yet. Why you ask? 

I don't know. 

Both Flutter and Switched went up for sale within 24 hours of posting them. They were early. But  I didn't care that much, and niether did anybody else.

But this time, I really, really wanted it to be up now. By like eight this morning, actually. So it won't be. It's not doing it because I want it.

I've learned a valuable lesson today, though. Next time when I realease a book, I'm putting up a week or two before I actually want it up. 

I have to go make supper now, so I won't be watching Amazon to find out what's happening. But I'll be back at 7 (central) for the twitter chat. Hopefully, by then, it'll be live.

Here's the link for Wisdom, if you want to check out: Wisdom on Amazon.

Also, if you want to engage in the chat, you can check that out here: http://tweetchat.com/room/MyBloodApproves 


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