new layout!

I made a new layout for my blog to match the cover of the  hit sensation My Blood Approves, and it took a lot longer than should've been necessary. Much much longer. But here it is, and oh boy was it worth it. Maybe.

I'd also like to take the time to thank the people that have supported me and my writing over the years, and I'd like to thank those of you who have purchased my book. I appreciate you spending money and taking a chance an unknown author, and  I hope you enjoy it.

I'm trying to connect with other self-published/indie authors, but its hard.  I mean, they all seem nice and welcoming, but apparently, I'm shy and rambley, even in internet form. Hopefully,  I can overcome this and join the writing community in a real way.

At any rate - I hope all is well with the world, and feel free to comment. About anything. Ever.


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