everything you ever

I just took a personaloty test, and I enjoyed it because it said that I am a visionary, a dreamer, a talented writer, laidback, and I never lose my sense of wonder. Those are things I pride myself on, and I'm glad they're true.

My internet is being slow and stupid, and I suspect that's from the tremendous wind that is blowing outside.It's super cold in the house, and it sounds like I'm in a haunted house in a bad horror movie or something. It would be a lovely fall day if the wind weren't being so ridiculous.

I'm very excited to see Where the Wild Things Are and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parsanuss, both of which open in a few weeks. I doubt they'll come to Austin, but I'd be willing to drive up to Rochester or the Cities to see them. They seem very magical and wonderous. Which, according to my personality type, I like.

I watched the making of Labyrinth last night, and somehow, learning how they made it made it even more awesome. I really wish I could do that. That's definately a priority in my life now. Doing something that makes puppetry better. Or something. I don't know

I also made a new collage last night. It's pretty fancy.

I haven't heard anything on my book yet, but it's too soon really. The one month exclusive read goes til October 23rd, I think. Or if its until she gets it, then it probably hasn't started yet, or it just started yet. I'm not sure. At any rate, I have about a month. So... yay!


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