Building a WPF Project with Ant
Generally speaking, I never endorse deploying an application to a production environment unless it has been built from scratch in a clean environment. This means that building a portlet factory WAR from the eclipse IDE is not the way to do a production build, even though it is really convenient. Building with Ant Apache ant has been around for a long while now, is an excellent framework for building WAR files and is the tool that WPF uses to build its own WAR files. In older versions of WPF the build process was somewhat lacking, but the team at IBM has really done a great job with the latest release of the product (I think this improved build may have been available in 6.1.5, but we skipped over that and went straight to 7.0). Below is an example of how I've taken the sample build.xml provided with the product and modified it to pull code from CVS and allow for project specific settings. The is mostly unchanged: CVSTag=HEAD # Build source root directory !NOTE! T...