vampires, e-books, and!
Listening to: "The Barber's Unhappiness" by the Matches This week in my life: I've taken a decided risk to this whole publishing business. I've written a delightful paranormal romance about vampires. Its well received by my peers and has been downloaded almost 500 times for free. However, since it is about vampires, and the market is tremendously saturated at the moment, I doubt I'll find representation for it. It'd have to be the greatest vampire novel of all time to do that, and it does fall just short of that. (Just.) Meanwhile, I've written and crafted a wonderfully original paranormal romance not about vampires, or werewolves, or witches, or ghosts, entitled Switched . I think its set. Ready to go. Publishable. Magical. Since my last major revisions, I haven't sent it out to agents. This is because I've decided to develop a platform. Basically, my vampire novel will end up being a throwaway novel (despite being very good), with hopes of...