
Showing posts from October, 2009

I want an agent

This me trying to do The Secret , so my plan to do that is to let the universe know what I really want. So here it is: I want a literary agent. Specifically, I'd really like Ginger Clark. After following her tweets, I've come to believe that she would appreciate my writing probably more than any other agent I've read up on. I'm afraid that the query letter I recently emailed her wasn't enticing enough, so I'm enlisting the universe to try and help me. She seems like a fun gal that has a chinchillas, which is always a plus. She loves Jack Donaghey, although I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't. (I frequently laugh over his mention of "Rainstorm Katrina.") She seems fun, enjoyable, and dedicated, and she seems to take risks on new writers. But what's in it for her, you ask? I have written a young adult/uban fantasy, which she is interested in, but she wants a twist on something, i. e. not Twilight 2.0 . When reading urban fantasy, you will fin...

my life for the next 2.5 months

The Limosuines song "Very Busy People" keeps making me want to watch Donnie Darko . Oh well. So, it's mid-October. I have completed 4 books since January (with breaks in between.) I have started another three ( Wisdom , the fourth in My Blood Approves series; Proxy , the second in the Switched series; and Honalee , the first in a witch series.) Plus I just completed the outline for a new as-of-yet-untitled book. This one isn't urban fantasy, just straight young adult, and it deals with a group of friends, who are gay. You don't see enough of that right now. Gay guys are usually regulated to a shopping partner, the fashionable best friend to the protagnist, and lesbians only seem to exist as hot girls in fantasies or bitter ex-wives on sitcoms. So I want to write one that's more realistic. One that is aimed at gay young adults and/or their hags. But I have three books I need to finish ( Wisdom really won't take that long. Proxy wouldn't either, but I...

by now you should've somehow realized what you've gotta do

Man, I love Oasis. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate a unicorn in a story without it being totally lame. It's hard. Unicorns come off cheesy and lame pretty easily. But I sure do love the cult classic Legend cause of how awesome the unicorns are. So, I'm trying. Maybe in book two or three of Switched . I know I've got a lot more magic going on the second one, so a unicorn might work. Or I might end up scrapping that whole idea out of fear of cheesing it up. But I really want it, so I'll think about it and try to find a way to make it awesome. Today wasn't a great day, but I'm working on preservering and not wallowing. Things are always changing, and sometimes they change for the better. Sometimes not, but the only way things'll ever get better is if they change. Currently reading: Kathy Griffen "Official Book Club Selection" and "Glamorama" by Bret Easton Ellis, which is making me question my sanity because of how much I lo...